I have been wanted to make chrome looking word ornaments for a little while now. So today I broke out some clay I have had and preheated the oven. I usually don't like baking clay, because it stinks and because the oven sometimes stinks afterwards. And ALSO I have heard a few times that it isn't healthy to breath in the fumes. But I had this clay already (before I heard that) and I really didn't want it to go to waste. (shhh don't tell) I made a few rounded balls and flattened them with the palm of my hand, then I took the back end of a paint brush and carved in the words LOVE. PEACE. and DREAM. Three of my most favorite words. ♥ I baked them in the oven for about 25 minutes at 350 degrees, then let them cool off for about an hour. (I got caught up doing other house work) I came back and painted them with my current favorite silver sparkly chrome colored acrylic paint and let the paint dry. After the paint dried, I used my hot glue gun and glued on some green ribbon as hangers. Then simple hung them on our tree. One thing I really love about these ornaments is that the possibilities are endless. You can make them say anything you want and they are so quick and easy to make! You could even use a type of homemade salt dough and I am sure it would work just as good!

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